Published: Mar 23 2021 08:54

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Published: Mar 23 08:54
Views: 259
This book titled “The 12 English Tenses, Explanation with 650 Examples” has had the translations of both Pashto and Dari languages. Generally, there are three main tenses such as present, past, and future each consists of four sub-tenses. Each tense is clarified with a simple definition, auxiliary verbs, structure, and many examples. Meanwhile, examples are given in two categories, such as action and state, and both parts are described in five different forms of sentences such as affirmative, negative, interrogative, negative interrogative and information interrogative and each type is distinctly described in seven examples. As a whole, each tense is covered with around tens of examples.
Finally, I wanted to explain each tense along with many examples so that the readers can learn each tense quickly and comprehensively. Moreover, this will help readers to speak and write by English language meaningfully and logically. I ask every reader to give this booklet some time to study. This will help you learn the English language tenses easily, and it will be a big help for you in this modern and technological world. To this end, I promise you will have gained some useful information about the English, especially tenses and I try my best to prepare more essential subjects that help in English learning simply, effectively and successfully.
Sibghatullah Hanif
English Language Instructor

Facebook: @HanifSibghat / Sibghatullah Hanif
Whatsapp: 0789255188
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